March 4, 2009

$ 100 for just one cup of coffee..?

ask the British people, what's most expensive coffee in the world, the nation's of tea drinker will answer - Kopi luwak , the coffee that taken from civet dung. This presumption may be the same as the traditional society of Indonesia.

Why are these coffee so expensive ?
In United kingdom the coffee that has been eaten civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus) and out again through his pup. Selling price this kind of coffee reach about 50 PoundsSterling , almost 1 million rupiah and if we converted in US its $ 100 per cup, yes per cup , not per box....
what an expensive price ,reported in the Daily Mail's internet site, on Thursday (10 / 4/ 2008).

If you know the the origin of coffee, some coffee lovers will tremble.

But for Peter Jones cafes, that coffee is the most selling coffee in his cafe in Sloane Square that sell espresso, latte and Americano coffee beans. He start to selling to most expensive coffee in april 2008 .

Would you like to know from where Jones get the raw materials that make his cafe famous ?
He purchased 60 packages exclusive mix of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee and Kopi luwak from Indonesia. This kind of Coffee beans is rare, because the harvest is less than 200 kg per year.

Believed, mongoose (a wolf in the Javanese language)or in Indonesia they called Luwak can select the best coffee beans based on his instinct. They select seeds and eat the soft, but only the outside that can be digested, while the rest is discarded along with the dirt. Liquid stool that is believed to enrich the taste of coffee mongoose.

Now, customers can feel Jones sensation Kopi luwak.
Meanwhile, all profits from sales will be donated to cancer.

One customer Jones, Hannah Silver (23) said, "I was quite worried before trying, but it turns out that Kopi Luwak was one of the best coffee I ever taste.

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March 4, 2009

$ 100 for just one cup of coffee..?

ask the British people, what's most expensive coffee in the world, the nation's of tea drinker will answer - Kopi luwak , the coffee that taken from civet dung. This presumption may be the same as the traditional society of Indonesia.

Why are these coffee so expensive ?
In United kingdom the coffee that has been eaten civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus) and out again through his pup. Selling price this kind of coffee reach about 50 PoundsSterling , almost 1 million rupiah and if we converted in US its $ 100 per cup, yes per cup , not per box....
what an expensive price ,reported in the Daily Mail's internet site, on Thursday (10 / 4/ 2008).

If you know the the origin of coffee, some coffee lovers will tremble.

But for Peter Jones cafes, that coffee is the most selling coffee in his cafe in Sloane Square that sell espresso, latte and Americano coffee beans. He start to selling to most expensive coffee in april 2008 .

Would you like to know from where Jones get the raw materials that make his cafe famous ?
He purchased 60 packages exclusive mix of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee and Kopi luwak from Indonesia. This kind of Coffee beans is rare, because the harvest is less than 200 kg per year.

Believed, mongoose (a wolf in the Javanese language)or in Indonesia they called Luwak can select the best coffee beans based on his instinct. They select seeds and eat the soft, but only the outside that can be digested, while the rest is discarded along with the dirt. Liquid stool that is believed to enrich the taste of coffee mongoose.

Now, customers can feel Jones sensation Kopi luwak.
Meanwhile, all profits from sales will be donated to cancer.

One customer Jones, Hannah Silver (23) said, "I was quite worried before trying, but it turns out that Kopi Luwak was one of the best coffee I ever taste.

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