March 6, 2009

When you ordering coffee in your daily life , what kind of coffee did you exactly want ?

Order Like a Pro

Let's face it...ordering coffee can be intimidating the first few times. Here's how to sound like you know what you're doing...even before you really do!
Hot Stuff - The Basics

Hot Coffee drinks come in several different variations.

* Espresso - Often called a "shot", this is a small serving of very strong coffee, and forms the basis of all the other specialty coffee drinks.
* Latte - Espresso with steamed milk and a little bit of foam on top.
* Cappuccino - Espresso with frothed milk on top.
* Espresso Machiatto - Espresso with very little foam.
* Breve - A latte made with half and half rather than milk.
* Cafe au Lait - Steamed milk with brewed coffee (not espresso).
* Mocha - Latte with dark chocolate.
* White Mocha - Latte with white chocolate
* Americano - Espresso with hot water.
* Italiano - Espresso in brewed coffee.
* Steamer - Not really coffee at all, but steamed milk with one of several flavors added. (Kids love 'em.)

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March 6, 2009

When you ordering coffee in your daily life , what kind of coffee did you exactly want ?

Order Like a Pro

Let's face it...ordering coffee can be intimidating the first few times. Here's how to sound like you know what you're doing...even before you really do!
Hot Stuff - The Basics

Hot Coffee drinks come in several different variations.

* Espresso - Often called a "shot", this is a small serving of very strong coffee, and forms the basis of all the other specialty coffee drinks.
* Latte - Espresso with steamed milk and a little bit of foam on top.
* Cappuccino - Espresso with frothed milk on top.
* Espresso Machiatto - Espresso with very little foam.
* Breve - A latte made with half and half rather than milk.
* Cafe au Lait - Steamed milk with brewed coffee (not espresso).
* Mocha - Latte with dark chocolate.
* White Mocha - Latte with white chocolate
* Americano - Espresso with hot water.
* Italiano - Espresso in brewed coffee.
* Steamer - Not really coffee at all, but steamed milk with one of several flavors added. (Kids love 'em.)

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